The Spirit of Life

by Frank J Casella
The Spirit of Life
Frank J Casella
Photograph - Photography
The Spirit of Life - Black and white Photograph Copyright Frank J Casella - www.frankjcasella.pixels.com
This picture is one from many mornings spent shooting Chicago sunrise with my photo mentor, John H. White, a Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalist. His mantra is "Keep In Flight". To spread your wings on your dreams and do it. ... to share the "Light".
Note: This image has a border included in the art.
Sunday Letters from Frank J Casella: Mentors - https://tinyletter.com/frankjcasella/letters/letters-from-frank-j-casella-mentor
January 20th, 2014
Comments (22)

Frank J Casella
Thank you to Calvin Boyer for the Feature - The Spirit of Life - in the A Tree or Trees in Black and White - Artist Group on Fine Art America / Pixels!

Nikolyn McDonald
That single capture and the reflection of the sun take this one up a notch. Great mood, Frank.

Wendy Wunstell
Peaceful capture. Lf Merry Christmas to you and your family and many blessings to you in this upcoming New Year.

Sabrina Wheeler
Your description is absolutely beautiful! I love the bird and the contrast between the fixed land and tree to the moving, flowing water. l/f